I scrolled through Instagram and looked at the timeline of events from the LAST 3 years of my life…
The photo on the right was taken 2 years ago, when I was really starting to get into my personal development journey and healing the parts of my life that I let hold me back...the photo on the left was taken about a month ago.
The other night, I scrolled through Instagram, and looked at the timeline of events, from the LAST 3 years of my life.
Looking at these photos over the years, reading the content and not even recognizing - WHO THAT WOMAN WAS.
My content, videos, IGTV's was meant FOR EVERYONE ELSE, all the advice I was giving others, I WASN'T even doing myself.
And looking at these photos, I could feel exactly how I felt in those moments, you CAN SEE the insecurities, the fear and the sadness and it broke my fucking heart.
The way I carried myself, the way I talked to others and myself, the fear of speaking out and standing up for something I believed in WAS SO REAL, it was completely INAUTHENTIC to who I was because I was constantly try to fit someone else's VERSION of perfect...
I LET someone who was supposed to be my partner MAKE ME feel this way. And because of it, I lost myself completely.
He hated blond hair, so I dyed my hair dark.
He hated the way I dressed so I threw away all the clothes I loved.
He hated the way I talked, so I stayed silent.
I show you these photos because I want YOU to see the difference. The difference it takes and it's NOT AN OVERNIGHT PROCESS. This is YEARS in the making. Years in the making of becoming the woman on the left.
These two women ARE NOT THE SAME. I love the woman on the right, but I never want to be her AGAIN...
Trust the process my friends, it gets better.
Be BRAVE. Invest into yourself and LOVE wholeheartedly.