Let GO of Society's Perception of PERFECT!

“Don't ever tell me that I'm "lucky that my kids are young and won't remember..."

Some of life's most valuable lessons- I learn from my children. By watching their actions, catching their behaviors and mannerisms. EVERYTHING that has been taught and passed down by the people they love most.

There is no "right time" to walk away from an unhealthy relationship, it doesn't matter if your kids are 1 or 27...it affects them all.

For example, hand a one year old a paint brush and see what happens. Sometimes they start pretending to paint on the wall or a hard surface because they have SEEN it done before.

Sometimes they sit and wait to watch what you do with your paint brush before deciding what to do with theirs.

They may not remember every single thing that was done or said in a broken marriage...but they will remember some... And it's how they will learn to treat their partners, friends, and society.

So, my hope is that WE ALL remember that the next time we argue with a loved one in front of our children, or we speak badly about our ex partner...

And although I may not communicate with their father or nor did I have a healthy relationship with him, BUT they will always know he's a GOOD father, because that's what I tell them he is and that's what they see.

They will grow up understanding and KNOWING that although mom and dad stopped loving each other, that THAT doesn't change the love we have FOR THEM.

At the end of the day, it's not about dragging someone down but shifting the Generational Patterns that will be carried on by the little people we love most. That being said my relationship was not something that I wanted my children to grow up mirroring, they deserved to have the happiest version of ME.

THEY deserve better, just as much as I do.

Be BRAVE. Invest into yourself and love wholeheartedly.





Show UP for Yourself!