The BOX that started it all - a tribute to WHERE it all began.

By: Ashley Maas

I remember, back in 2019/2020, when I had this idea. This idea that made me feel something I never felt before, EXCITMENT, love, passion, almost an obsession of it.

When I'd talk about it, people thought, just that, that it was JUST an idea - a "CUTE" idea. They didn't recognize the creation of taking 6 FULL months of working 8-10 hours a day, pregnant AND 2.5 year old twins, going through a divorce, that this "cute" little idea would actually become something.

I DID have people in my corner who DID believe and were there every step of the way, who helped me build a website, work on a marketing campaign; I would go live about 3-4 times a day sharing what CREATING thee boxes were going to do for women BECAUSE, I saw what they were doing for me and others WHILE creating them.

"Through one of my greatest failures in life was the birth of a new beginning.

THESE boxes became a pivotal piece in the journey not just for myself but for hundreds of women all over the united states, all OVER the world to start their journeys, to start their NEW beginnings.

So, let these boxes be THE ONE THING you do for yourself. AND WATCH the ripple unfold.”

I invite you to TRY them, to get FULLY immersed and involved into what it means to love yourself, honor your goals, trust the process, and DEFINE your OWN unique purpose in this life: GET YOUR BOX NOW!

We took a break, to gain clarity on the INTENTION behind these boxes. Dive into the one box, this box, that will guide you into UNCOVERING who you are. OUR "I AM GROUNDED BOX"

I'd love to share the excitement of what YOU HOPE to gain from these boxes below. Go SNAG ONE!

