Live Your Life
“No one will support me."
"People are going to judge."
"What do I know about working online?"
"Who would listen to me?"
"I will never be good enough."
"What if I fail?"
Hey everyone, my name is Loryn Sheahan and if you're anything like I used to be, you have had these thoughts cross your mind at one point or another.
My hope for you is that by the time you're done reading this, you will be able to fully live out your life without the fear of what others think or say.
So here's the thing, when you constantly have negative thoughts, your subconscious mind starts to believe it.
You tell yourself that you're going to fail...and guess what happens? You do.
I mean how do you expect people to support you, if you don't even believe you're worthy of being supported?
That's why I'm here; to help you realize your worth, that this life is OURS, that we all have a story to share that is unique to us, and to help you realize that your limiting beliefs aren't serving you. In fact, they are holding you back from reaching your full potential.
Let me share a story with y'all...There was a time in my life that I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to walk again, due to a horse related accident.
It was in those moments, laying on the ground, not being able to feel anything from my waist down, that I realized I had been living my entire life waiting for the approval of others.
I had put my goals and dreams to the side and followed along with societal expectations on how I "should" live my life.
I lived my life pleasing everyone else, except myself.
I changed my hair because people thought it was ugly, I changed how I laughed because people thought it was annoying, I dressed different when I hung out with different crowds, and I acted different depending on who was around.
Those were the worst years of my life, and that is when I developed my limiting beliefs. I mean, my "friends" didn't even really like me, so how was I going to get a stranger to listen to me or take me seriously. Right?
What I failed to realize, was that I didn't even realize until my accident, that my life, was MINE. No one else's.
Who were they to tell me how to dress, act, or laugh? Who were they to tell me what to go to school for or how to live my life? This life is ours!
Life is too short and we never know when our last day will be, so LIVE YOUR LIFE how you choose to, not how someone else wants you to.
Loryn Sheahan