Be The Goal!


“Be careful who you are allowing to impact your energy and find more people who are ALIGNED with your goals."

A lot of times when we think about goals we think about the end goal. The amount of weight, the amount of money, the promotion, the trophies, but we fail to think about the lifestyle. We fail to think about the identity transformation that we need to actually make.

I want you to fully immerse yourself in your goal! I want the environment within and around you to BOOST your goal forward. You can do this through people, places, things, habits, & self. Keep your goal in mind as you read through this.


What kind of people can you surround yourself with that will support your goal?

This can be people who have a similar goal or who have already reached the goal that you want to achieve. People who will lift you up, empower you, hold you accountable, celebrate your wins, and the people who inspire you to keep. taking. action.

The naysayers, negative nancy’s, energy suckers, complainers, the people putting you down, making you feel like your goals are too big or that you are too small. THESE PEOPLE ARE CAUSING YOU FRICTION ON THE ROAD TO YOUR GOALS! Don't let them into your energy. Instead, BOOST yourself with good energy by being around the people who will INSPIRE you to succeed.

Be careful who you are allowing to impact your energy and find more people who are ALIGNED with your goals.


Immerse yourself into places that support your goals. This can mean your environment at home too! Is your environment currently supporting your goals?

For example, if you are trying to be more healthy, then have you gotten the junk food out of your house? or is it really easy for you to just go grab whatever you want?

Your goal may be to bring in more inner peace through daily stretches, yoga, or meditation. Then create a little zen space that inspires you to actually implement these practices.

If you have business goals then go to more networking events, go to a coffee shop where you can get your hustle mode on! Go immerse yourself in all the SUCCESS energy! 

Get your environment aligned with your goal!


What items are you surrounding yourself with and what are you wearing? Instead of wearing sweats maybe you need to wake up and put on a workout outfit that makes you FEEL GOOD. Maybe you need to put on that business outfit that makes you feel LIKE A BOSS! Wear the goal that you want to achieve! It makes such a difference.

Don’t forget to also surround yourself with items that support your goal! Examples: water bottle, healthy snacks, planner, white board, book about your goal, etc. Think about what tools you can use to give your goal that extra little BOOST!

Your goal is just a goal in your head. If you want to bring it to life, then start adding things into your life that support it and eliminating the things that make your goals harder to achieve.


There is MASSIVE power & transformation in our daily habits. Even the SMALLEST of habits can make a HUGE impact.

Bring awareness to the habits that are hurting the impact of your goal. These could be scrolling on your phone, sleeping in, partying, etc. You probably already know a habit that you can eliminate or do less of. Your goals have to be more important than your bad habits! When we begin to eliminate the bad habits, we bring in more room for positive ones.

Think of the positive habits that you can build to support your goal. Starting your day with a glass of water, setting reminders on your phone to do midday stretches or jumping jacks. Prepare yourself for the midday crash by doing something that will BOOST that energy or motivation. (I personally listen to a podcast midday to get over that slump). SCHEDULE out a time of day to actually work on your goal. Create a to-do list the night before so that the next day you KNOW what you have to be working on instead of dilly dallying around with your precious time. The list of positive habits could go on. Find something that works for YOU and YOUR GOAL.


Do you personally identify with your goal? Does your mindset align with your goal? Does your belief system align with your goal? What kinds of things are you telling yourself in your head?

and who's voice even is it? Is it actually YOUR voice or the voice of some crappy toxic person in your past? What kind of fears are coming up when you think about your goal? Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of looking silly, fear of not being good enough, the list can go on!

Stop feeding your fears & start feeding your hunger for success. Make a list of affirmations that SUPPORT your goal. I am worthy, I am confident, I am born for something bigger than me,

I am grateful for the healthy decisions I make for my body, this promotion was made for me, I am worthy of abundance within and around me. The list is endless!

Come up with a few affirmations that ALIGN with your goal and that you can repeat every single day in the mirror, OUT LOUD! Feed your goals with empowering energy!


So start today! Start now! Pick ONE goal and one area to start working on. You don't have to tackle everything ALL AT ONCE. Baby steps add up to BIG RESULTS.

Become fully immersed in your goal, one step at a time.

Be ONE with your goal. The goal is YOU.

Kimmy Joy


Release the Distractions, Receive the Intentions
